Bubble Pack becomes Freak Factory

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I've been heads down building stuff for Bubble Pack for a while now, which is why I haven't talked about it much. A lot of news has built up.

A New Name

The game now has its final name and art style. The name is Freak Factory. What were bubbles are now little critters called Freaks, and what was a simple box is now a factory in which you make these Freaks. And if you don't keep them contained they will escape and the game ends. Trust me, it all makes sense and looks wonderful.

I didn't design the graphics, that was Brian Roberts who I used to work with at Stick Sports. There's a little story about how we ended up working together on Freak Factory, which I will tell you next time. For now suffice to say I'm very pleased to be collaborating with him. The graphics he has made are really excellent.


The best place to see the new graphics is in the trailer for the game. Here it is.

Release Date

The game is nearing completion and we are planning to release it next month. I'll post more detailed information as the date approaches.

Also in the collection Freak Factory